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New member
30. Apr. 2006
möchte ich wieder mal vor den Appraisal-Abzockern warnen.
Vorab die angebliche Forenseite: forum-windows-club.com/Archive/973864125.htm

Die erste Mail:


I'm interested in purchasing verbrauchermesse.com.

Please let me know your price.

We invest a lot on domain names, web servers to bring the reliable, fast and secured hosting solution for online business.

Feel free to email me if you have something else for sale.

Best Regards,

M.S. (Name von mir abgekürzt)


Hosting Clue (SNI Investment)
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Ich habe mit 500,- geantwortet (die Domain hatte ich erst vor 2 Tagen registriert)


500 eur. Ok.

Are you a member of domain forums? Are you an experienced seller?
Best regards,
M.S. (Name von mir abgekürzt)

- das kannte ich bisher noch nicht, normalerweise kommt eine solche Zwischenfrage nicht.

nächste Antwort:

I hope you know the procedure. In order to process with the deal I need two things:

1. I need a professional evaluation (appraisal) from you.

It should be from an independent evaluation company. I don't trust automated services from companies I've never heard about.

Without a professional evaluation we both cannot be sure in the final sale price. It will minimize the investing risks.

2. I need the evaluation service with a trademark verification. It's important for us to know that you domain has no problems
with trademarks. Some evaluators include this option in the appraisalsal service.

Please take into account, I'm not a novice and don't accept free or automated valuations. I asked in the forum about reliable and independent valuation services with the trademark verification option. Please read this information:
Investing in domains

If the valuation comes higher you can change your asking price. After you send me the professional valuation with the trademark verification via email (usually it takes one day to obtain it) we'll continue.

What is your preferred payment method: Escrow.com, International wire transfer, PayPal.com or something else?
Best regards,
M.S. (Name von mir abgekürzt)

spätestens hier sollte jedem klar sein, dass dieser freundliche Herr KEINE Domain kaufen möchte !

Anbei noch die Whois-Daten:

Registered through: GoDaddy.com, LLC (Domain Names | The World's Largest Domain Name Registrar - Go Daddy)
Created on: 06-Sep-12
Expires on: 06-Sep-13
Last Updated on: 06-Sep-12

Registered through: GoDaddy.com, LLC (Domain Names | The World's Largest Domain Name Registrar - Go Daddy)
Created on: 07-Jan-12
Expires on: 07-Jan-13
Last Updated on: 07-Jan-12

Für viele hier ist das Thema ja ein alter Hut, für manche vielleicht nicht.

Richtig. Spätestens nach diesen 2 Sätzen ist klar was später kommt

We invest a lot on domain names, web servers to bring the reliable, fast and secured hosting solution for online business.

Feel free to email me if you have something else for sale.
rein aus Interesse, was hast Du zwischen Antwort und 2. Antwort geschrieben? Ja oder Nein?
Waere noch interessant zu wissen, was ansonsten passieren wuerde. Laesst er von erfahrenen Domainern ab?
hatte ich auch schon vor 2 Wochen oder so. Meine Antwort war:

oh jesus, the good old appraisal scam, lol. go and get a job. Ask your local McDonalds. They always search experts like you..

David Lotman hat er sich genannt und nein, er liest keine Antwortsmail, hatte erfahren angekreuzt.

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