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billig registrar für non Deutsch?


New member
28. Okt. 2004
I tried to find the answer by the search function ("suche funktionen") without any luck :(

Therefore, can you please give me any suggestions for any cheap domain registrar for non germans? I cannot register thru neither order.1and1.de or domaindiscount24.net because I got no German addy!
well, if having a german email address is the hook, then why dont you get one with web.de or gmx.de or register your .de domain by yourself at some other non-discount registrar?

is it true, is one really only able to register .de domains at 1&1 and DD24 if you own a .de email address?? thatd be strange!!
Timm schrieb:
well, if having a german email address is the hook, then why dont you get one with web.de or gmx.de or register your .de domain by yourself at some other non-discount registrar?

is it true, is one really only able to register .de domains at 1&1 and DD24 if you own a .de email address?? thatd be strange!!

Thanks for you prompt answer. However, I meant living address, not email address :) The registrars doesn't allow you to register a domain unless you have a actual address in Germany, PO boxes is not allowed.
Hi i think i can help you www.united-domain.de 12euro for a year and you can use the free Trustee.

Here a quto from United Domains

Für ausländische Interessenten, die eine .de-Domain registrieren möchten, bieten wir exklusiv einen kostenlosen Trustee (Treuhänder)-Service an. Bestellen Sie einfach wie gewohnt Ihre .de-Domain. Als Domain-Inhaber werden dann Sie, als administrativer Ansprechpartner (admin-c) automatisch eine Person von united-domains eingetragen (lt. Vergabestelle muss der admin-c seinen Wohn- oder Geschäftssitz in Deutschland haben).

Sorry for my bad english but i´m still learning ;)
Ah thanks a lot. Seems like the site is down or something, doesn't work right now. Maybe a letter wrong?

Merry xmas ;)

Bendox schrieb:
No Problem and merry xmas :Smoking:

Just found www.artgero.com is in Sweden you can use .de domains, too. And anonymous ...

The Service is in english and german.

you can`t register a .de anonymus if you won`t not risk to lose the domain


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