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Cpanel Hosting (Luxembourg or Germany)


New member
23. Okt. 2005
If I spend much more time at EUROvps I'm going to pull my hair completely out. Can someone please recommend someone who offers services similar to servermatrix, theplanet, or ev1servers.net in Europe?

Reseller hosting would work also but I desperately need to find a new host for kreditkarten.de and would like the ability to expand to other domains in the future. I would need to work in a WHM/Cpanel environment.

I'm beginning to worry a whole lot less about the monthly cost and would be willing to consider one of the "expensive but high quality support" companies.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
...similar to servermatrix, theplanet...

hey chris, so you want dedicated servers with a support team, that doesn´t really know anything about servers? ;) :)

There have been some quite good reviews about nwx.biz.

You might also have a look here: http://webhostlist.de/host/data/ser...t=1&hardware=1&managed=0&&transfer=250&jahr=1

The prob is, that in Europe Cpanel/WHM isn´t really that popular (I use Cpanel mostly as well with my US servers, but am using Plesk on my European ones...)

best regards, albert :)
Hi Albert,

Thanks for the response :) I think I've got it figured out, I've switched away from VPS to Reseller (I didn't know euroVPS offered this solution). Saves me a lot of hassle as I don't need a sys admin anymore.

I've also started searching for a new systems admin. I'm not sure if anyone from this board is qualified but here is a link to the description of the position:



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