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"Domainhandelsportal" eubis.eu - Gangster !


New member
15. Sep. 2005

habe heute untenstehende eMail erhalten, dass meine eu-Domains geschaetzt wurden und zum Verkauf auf das Handelsportal eubis.eu eingesetzt worden sind.

Als ob ich das wollte !?!

Es gibt keine Moeglichkeit, die Domains da rauszuloeschen, auch nach dem Einloggen nicht !

Habe keine Lust, dass meine Domains irgendwo im Netz zum Verkauf stehen, wo ich das nicht moechte, und schon gar nicht zu einem Billigpreis.

Wie denkt ihr ?


Dear Domainer,

If we are well informed, you are the owner of a great .eu domain name (listed below).

Already thought of selling it? If so, you can make use of a new player in the domain name aftermarket: .eubis. We developed a website specifically for trading .eu domain names throughout the world!

To facilitate some processes we already listed your following .eu domain name on our website www.eubis.eu


We appraised the domain name using our domain name appraisal system. You can use the search engine on the right to find your domain name.

We also created an account, in which you can manage your domains. You can log in to your myeubis account at www.eubis.eu using your e-mail and password mentioned below.

Log in: xxxx
password: xxxx

We suggest you to change this password immediately. In case of a potential buyer, we must be able to contact you, so please fill out the additional account details.

Please note that listing your domains with .eubis is free of charge. Moreover, the commission fee we charge the seller for handling the domain name transfer is below marketprice!

We would also like to inform you on our .eu news section - to be found in the section corporate – in which all important facts and figures regarding the .eu TLD are displayed. This leaves us to say we wish you all the best in selling your .eu domains!

Best regards,
On behalf of the .eubis team,
Jerke van de Ven
Auf was für Ideen die Leute kommen... ;-)

Aber die Preise der "Top Domain Listings" sind doch ganz schön happig, die würde sedo auf jeden Fall niedriger ansetzen.

Naja, genug jetzt der kostenlosen Promotion für diesen Verein...
.eubis apologized

Regarding the statement above, we send the following email to the person who, we think, posted this subject. If you are the person who submitted this post and did not receive our email, please contact us, so we can personally send you our apologies.


By means of this email we would like to apologize for listing your .eu domain, while you had no intention of actually selling it. We started from the principle you were willing to sell your .eu domain name. We should have given you the option, in which you immediately could delete your account. Again, we would like to point out we are sorry.

Naturally, we deleted your account and your .eu domains from our database.

Hopefully, you will let us know whether you accept our apologies!

Best regards,

On behalf of the .eubis team

J. van de Ven

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