Vom 23. bis 25. September gibt es den 3. Domainer Congress in Valencia.
Der Event wird auf Spanisch und Englisch abgehalten.
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Waere toll einige hier in Valencia begruessen zu koennen.
Ich lasse Euch heir das Press release auf Englisch:
The future of the domain name business will be analized and discussed by the participants at the "Domaining III" Event.
The 3rd edition of this event will also focus on growing domain name investment sector as domain names are up to be finally recognized as valuable assets, like stocks and bonds. Additionally to that the 25th. birthday of the first ever registered domain name takes place this year.
The "Domaining III" Event will be hosted in the city of Valencia (Spain) from the 23rd to 25th of September. It is the third edition of such an event taking place in Spain and it is wholly dedicated to investors in domain names. This kind of events were started here back at 2008.
The "Domaining III" Event is the leading spanish domain name investors event. The first domain name appeared at 1985, when "Symbolics.com" was registered, marking a milestone in internet history.
Since then the number of domain name registrations has raised up and as of today 700,000 new domain names are registered each month. This is of course creating a substantial industry which cannot be ignored anymore, one of the things which will be discussed in Valencia.
Some of the most remarkable spanish domain name investors ( domain name investors are called "domainers" ) will participate at the "Domaining III" Event. Back in 2009 at the second edition there were 90 professionals attending the event, with a volume up to 200.000 managed domain names. This year, we are expecting the number of attendees will exceed the previous number of participants - the domain name investment sector is growing up fast.
At the "Domaining III" Event the participants will analyze the latest market evolutions through conferences, workshops and networking. Additionally, important issues like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the potential of new country code top level domain name extensions (ccTLDs) or the potential conflicts in terms of intellectual property will be discussed.
Already confirmed keynote speakers like Mr. Tim Schumacher (CEO of Sedo) and some of the most remarkable european "domainers" will share their knowledge at the event and this alone represents a great opportunity to all companies who are active in the domain name investment area to open additional markets and to share knowledge and experience.
The internet commerce proved to be strong as it wasn´t affected by the current crisis which is mainly affecting the housing market along with the mortgage sector in Spain. The domain name market keeps surprisingly strong - with new domain name sales reported at considerable amounts like the sale of Slots.com at 5.000.000 USD in February this year, and the record for a Spanish language domain name with 10.000.000 USD for Juegos.com (Spanish for "games") back in 2006, just to name a few.
Dietmar Stefitz, CEO of Inverdom, the company behind the whole organization of this domaining event confirms: "Domainig III is the leading event in Spain, referring to the domain name industry and counts with the most important domain name investors and online entrepreneurs in Spain. Therefore we are sure this event will be a win win for all attendees.
About the Domaining III Event
The Domaining III Event is the leading spanish event dedicated to the domain name industry and will be held on 23, 24 and 25 of September at the Hotel Sorolla Palace in Valencia (Spain). It is wholly organized by Inverdom, a local company specialized in buying, selling and appraising domain names. For more information and inscriptions please visit Encuentros Domaining
Der Event wird auf Spanisch und Englisch abgehalten.
Fuer alle interessierten dieses Forums gibt es 50% Discount.
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Weitere Info bekommt Ihr hier:
Domaining | Facebook
Waere toll einige hier in Valencia begruessen zu koennen.
Ich lasse Euch heir das Press release auf Englisch:
The future of the domain name business will be analized and discussed by the participants at the "Domaining III" Event.
The 3rd edition of this event will also focus on growing domain name investment sector as domain names are up to be finally recognized as valuable assets, like stocks and bonds. Additionally to that the 25th. birthday of the first ever registered domain name takes place this year.
The "Domaining III" Event will be hosted in the city of Valencia (Spain) from the 23rd to 25th of September. It is the third edition of such an event taking place in Spain and it is wholly dedicated to investors in domain names. This kind of events were started here back at 2008.
The "Domaining III" Event is the leading spanish domain name investors event. The first domain name appeared at 1985, when "Symbolics.com" was registered, marking a milestone in internet history.
Since then the number of domain name registrations has raised up and as of today 700,000 new domain names are registered each month. This is of course creating a substantial industry which cannot be ignored anymore, one of the things which will be discussed in Valencia.
Some of the most remarkable spanish domain name investors ( domain name investors are called "domainers" ) will participate at the "Domaining III" Event. Back in 2009 at the second edition there were 90 professionals attending the event, with a volume up to 200.000 managed domain names. This year, we are expecting the number of attendees will exceed the previous number of participants - the domain name investment sector is growing up fast.
At the "Domaining III" Event the participants will analyze the latest market evolutions through conferences, workshops and networking. Additionally, important issues like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the potential of new country code top level domain name extensions (ccTLDs) or the potential conflicts in terms of intellectual property will be discussed.
Already confirmed keynote speakers like Mr. Tim Schumacher (CEO of Sedo) and some of the most remarkable european "domainers" will share their knowledge at the event and this alone represents a great opportunity to all companies who are active in the domain name investment area to open additional markets and to share knowledge and experience.
The internet commerce proved to be strong as it wasn´t affected by the current crisis which is mainly affecting the housing market along with the mortgage sector in Spain. The domain name market keeps surprisingly strong - with new domain name sales reported at considerable amounts like the sale of Slots.com at 5.000.000 USD in February this year, and the record for a Spanish language domain name with 10.000.000 USD for Juegos.com (Spanish for "games") back in 2006, just to name a few.
Dietmar Stefitz, CEO of Inverdom, the company behind the whole organization of this domaining event confirms: "Domainig III is the leading event in Spain, referring to the domain name industry and counts with the most important domain name investors and online entrepreneurs in Spain. Therefore we are sure this event will be a win win for all attendees.
About the Domaining III Event
The Domaining III Event is the leading spanish event dedicated to the domain name industry and will be held on 23, 24 and 25 of September at the Hotel Sorolla Palace in Valencia (Spain). It is wholly organized by Inverdom, a local company specialized in buying, selling and appraising domain names. For more information and inscriptions please visit Encuentros Domaining