As maybe you know on 6 december 2016 end on SEDO public auction for short .AT domains CC (LL, NN, LN, NL etc.) & for the first time available to registred for public audience, i bid for few domains and get it for me..
Now what is the future of this domains because allready recived a request & want to mention i have 8 domains but all are CC (not LL or NN).
Any value in the future? increase value etc..
Of course i know have value but how much? I notice also on SEDO for now have minim bid price arround/average 300-400 euro/each & are listed just few domains ( maybe a 100-150) & also not see any post on any forum from someone to sell CC .AT
So should i stay (not sell) or should i go (to sell a reasonable price)
I speak only english
Kind regards,
Now what is the future of this domains because allready recived a request & want to mention i have 8 domains but all are CC (not LL or NN).
Any value in the future? increase value etc..
Of course i know have value but how much? I notice also on SEDO for now have minim bid price arround/average 300-400 euro/each & are listed just few domains ( maybe a 100-150) & also not see any post on any forum from someone to sell CC .AT
So should i stay (not sell) or should i go (to sell a reasonable price)
I speak only english
Kind regards,
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