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Godaddy kauft Afternic

Schaut nach etwas Bewegung im Markt aus.
So wie ich verstanden habe ist es nicht nur afternic, somdern auch smartname. Diese email haben alle Smartname Kunden bekommen:

We have some exciting news to share with you. SmartName has agreed to be acquired by GoDaddy. This will be made public later today but as a key customer we wanted you to hear it from us first. We are confident that you will find this change a positive experience for several reasons:

First, SmartName will continue to operate under the SmartName brand. Your account manager and the SmartName team will remain in place to support you and you will continue to manage your account directly from the SmartName.com control panel. No changes are needed from you, and you will continue to receive your parking payments as you always have.

Second, scale matters in domain monetization. As the world’s largest registrar, GoDaddy will be able to leverage the best of its world-class programs in domain management and customer service for the benefit of Smart Name’s customers.

Most important, GoDaddy is making this move because they want to create an industry utility—the single standard by which domain owners can park their domains for the best results or sell their domains to the broadest audience.

We believe these changes will benefit our industry as we move towards an increasingly distributed and unified domain aftermarket and are excited to work with you to realize this vision.

We invite you to call your SmartName account manager with any additional questions you may have.

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