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IDN domains


New member
28. Okt. 2004
I have some questions about IDN domains and hope it's ok that I type in English. I can understand most written german so I don't mind if you answer me in German...

Anyway, I'd like to know more about "Germans attitude against IDN domains"!

Obviously, there is a lack of interests by Germans in those IDN domains. I notice that in a lot of ways, primary because almost nobody wants to even bid on what in my opinion is good domains (eg: Expiring 2 letters domains which have been free even 2 hours after they expired).

In Sweden/schweden for instance, we use "o" instead of "ö" and "a" instead of "ä", in contrary to how germans use it and how google categorize "ö" (oe) and ä (ae). I understand and find that the "ae/oe/ue/" way is the most important of course, since it used by germans and google. What is strange is that different countries cannot unite about this issue.

I'm yet too see a german site using IDN characters, it seems very uncommon (explorer seems to be one reason). But what about investing in IDN characters, they seems very "forgotten" or "not cared about" by germans. How come, I want to know more the underlaying reasons.. ?

Well, I'm aware of the many technical problems, puny codes and browsers that not enable. But as an investment, say for 2 years, with new Ms browsers which enables IDN and with Google currently working to optimize for IDN characters - I see those characters as very "forgotten" by the crowd! The technique (Technik) of the 21th century are running into a faster phase then even, still - we/they cannot enable the most natural way of linguistic for ourselfes ? (germans primary cos they are the one driving the development, but sweds and other countries also)

I find it very strange and believe myself there must be a change to this, maybe sooner then some expected (many seems to expect that it will never happen..). Have the development with "ae", "ue" and "oe" gone to far (eg. there is no need to fix it now, or there are to many stakes in these current system).

Hope to get some interesting opinions on IDN's ;)

Regards, Maccke
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
to think that all .de domainers dont believe in IDNs is a litte exagerated.
all of us believe in MS updating its IE (or later browser-equivalent system in MS Longhorn), and we have been very patient for things to come in the past. we waited almost three years for verisign to introduce the IDN testbed to real punycode domains.
i for myself deeply believe in IDNs under .de is a pretty good investment. a majority of us are owning some, waiting for things to develop.
as to your two letter dot com IDNs: i dont know why, but people here consider eg mä.com as a 9-letter-domain (xn--m-0fa.com). i dont agree with that.
True, I am exagerating a bit :)

Interesting to hear your points..

I do feel, just like you, that the IDN domains are not looked upon so much, almost forgotten. Many bargains to be found if you keep them for 2-3 years..

Well, maybe they count as a 9 letter domain until Longhorn is launched then.. it doesn't matter. Will just keep it..

Got üp.com also - unfortunaly there are almost no words in German with ü in the beginning.. anyway very few.

Timm schrieb:
to think that all .de domainers dont believe in IDNs is a litte exagerated.
all of us believe in MS updating its IE (or later browser-equivalent system in MS Longhorn), and we have been very patient for things to come in the past. we waited almost three years for verisign to introduce the IDN testbed to real punycode domains.
i for myself deeply believe in IDNs under .de is a pretty good investment. a majority of us are owning some, waiting for things to develop.
as to your two letter dot com IDNs: i dont know why, but people here consider eg mä.com as a 9-letter-domain (xn--m-0fa.com). i dont agree with that.

Also ich glaub fest an die ein und zweistelligen IDNs..

Ach ja there are 253.879 IDNs registered under .de
I think its nonesene to say the German don`t love IDN domains

Gruß Freakfer



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