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Neues Adserver-Tool von google


12. Juni 2002
Volltext: The Wall Street Journal

(...) The new Ad Manager service, which a limited number of Web sites are testing, will provide the ad serving free, where companies such as DoubleClick have traditionally charged Web publishers to serve up their ads. (...) Google, Mountain View, Calif., is hoping that Ad Manager users will agree to carry some ads Google sells in ad spots on their Web sites they haven't filled themselves. Google would take a commission on revenue from any ads it sells.
Google says it won't require Ad Manager users to carry the ads from Google's AdSense system, and they can also choose to fill the spots with ads from other online ad networks in cases where they generate more money for the publisher. The Ad Manager service will handle formats including graphical display, video and text ads.

Google developed Ad Manager itself and says that it will serve Web publishers with small- to medium-size sales forces, while DoubleClick's services are suited for higher-end ad-sales operations.(...)

Das scheint eine recht interessante Idee zu sein. Damit bräuchte man auf Contentsites nur noch einen Codeblock einbinden und könnte in diesem dann Adsense mit eigenen Ads und sogar solchen von Drittanbietern rotieren lassen. Nachteil wie so oft bei google: man gibt damit natürlich die eigenen Perfomancedaten aus der Hand...
Halte ich von meinem (blackhat) Standpunkt aus für nicht funktionabel ;) :)

mfg pyro :)