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Prognosen zur Zukunft der Internetwirtschaft


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06. Sep. 2007
16 aktuelle Prognosen zur Enwicklung des Domainbusiness (ziemlich langer Artikel in Englisch):

The real growth is going to come from ccTLDs and foreign language IDNs," Latona said.
"It’s safe to bet that consolidation should play a fairly big role," Kupietzky added.
There are many innovative start-ups around, and all established companies in the space are working on their own various models, but none have so far reached critical mass. I hope one of them will in 2010," Schumacher said.
"ICANN will continue to terminate the accreditation of domain registrars who don’t live up to their responsibilities. They shutdown or didn’t renew 22 different domain registrars in 2009 and I’m sure this trend will continue. As a domainer you should remember to always keep your domains at a domain registrar that you can trust and who will be around for years to come," Simonton advised.
All domain owners need to realize that those who set their sights on taking a name, whether justified or not, will actually succeed in the vast majority of cases under the current arbitration regime. Almost every generic name that is registered has been trademarked somewhere, and for many, it is only a matter of time before someone makes a claim." McNair said.
Looking ahead to 2010 Michael [Castello] sees one particular industry need he hopes will be addressed. "Our Industry needs spokespeople that can represent our interests in the national spotlight.
Somewhere along the line they were convinced that Google and SEO were the answer to all their problems and forgot that instantly memorable branding has and always will be the most powerful force in the marketing universe. Remember - if after a thousand television commercials the public still has to search to find you on the Internet then you're not properly branded. Txmstr.com, anyone?' David [Castello] concluded.
The challenge in 2010 is how to balance and succeed within all the fast paced innovations, and changes, and to remember the core of it all is still the Internet, with domains guiding the users to where they want to go directly or via Google and other major search engines," [Andrew] Miller concluded.
[...]Looking ahead to 2010, [...] you need to be aware that "Selling names on the secondary market is extremely illiquid and difficult, and buyers tend to be well educated, poor, and a pain in the tail. Landing page PPC deals aren't so great as they used to be. [...] Although following real best practices should help you overcome the risk just fine," [Micheal] Mann said.
"There is still a lot of money to be made by the company that figures out a solution to monetize hundreds of thousands of domains better than parking. There will be more higher quality domains dropping in 2010. [...] Berkens closed by noting, "Domainers will continue to build out domains and the market will really pop when one of those are sold for HUGE money which I think will happen in 2010.
Looking ahead to 2010 Schwartz said, "2010 is going be a great year if you are a self sustaining entrepreneur and it is going to suck if you are looking for a job or don’t know how to spot opportunity and do business.
"Consolidation is still going on, Big Players will continue to acquire smaller players or simply push them off the market. Schiwek said.
(weiter bin ich noch nicht ...)

The State of the Industry January 2010: We Asked 16 Domain Experts If We Hit Bottom in 2009 and Will See a Rebound in the New Year

... und eine weitere Prognose zur Entwicklung der gesamten Internetwirtschaft:

Wachstumstreiber sei [...] der Werbemarkt im Netz [...] Ein Zukunftsmarkt sei auch die Vermietung von Software oder das Cloud-Computing. Einen großen Sprung werde die Internet-Technik durch die Einführung des Übertragungsprotokolls IPv6 machen, [...]
heise online - Internetwirtschaft erwartet massives Wachstum
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