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question about .de .at and .ch


New member
07. Nov. 2004
hi everyone i have a question and it is very kind of you to help
look..i know that .de is the second favorite tld after .com but what about .at and .ch? i want a comparison in this. for example if you own domain.de and for comparing say that the value is 100 then what is the value of domain.at
and domain.ch domain.de 100
domain.at ?
domain.ch ?
and if the domain name be a german word which is better: (i know .de is the first and .com is the second)
germandomain.at or
germandomain.ch or
germandomain.org or
germandomain.net ?
thanks for help
Hi, just compare the size of the market / the number of potential costumers:

Germany 82 780 000
Austria 8 150 000
Switzerland 7 360 000 (4 600 000 german speeking)

Second point is the different price for .de .at .ch. Austrian and Swiss domains are not only more expencive for the Domain-Dealer, but for the potential buyer as well.

So if domain.de is 100 domain.at would be 8 or 9 and domain.ch 7 or 8 for an international/english word and 5 for an german word.

Regarding your second question:
Germandomain.net would be the best, because you will reach the whole german speeking market.

thanks alot for help
i was purchasing some one word .at domains maybe i should think more..
As an international domain investor, I noticed that german's market is VERY competetive compared to for instance .co.uk
You can get a lot of inspiration from the market over here :)

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