yepp, echt heftig, was da abgeht. nun die mail von snapnames an die sog customers:
Dear SnapNames Customers:
As you may already be aware, the SnapNames service has been unavailable since Saturday evening, U.S. Pacific time. Since then, our technical team has been working to restore service. Our current estimate is for the service to be on line in the next 18 hours. Should that estimate change, we will post an update at
SnapNames: HTTP 400 .
We recognize this is the third outage for our service within the last several weeks. The problem is related to one of our vendors' systems, unfortunately, and our team has been working nonstop with the vendor to correct the issue.
Outages of this nature and duration of course are very unusual for SnapNames; since we began our service in 2001, outages have been extremely rare and our record for technical service, customer care and integrity has been well regarded by our customers and partners. It's very important to us to maintain that confidence in our service and our team, and we're working as quickly as we can to make sure the problem is resolved correctly.
If you currently have bids placed for auctions that were scheduled to end Sunday or today, those names will now be scheduled to complete auctions tomorrow and Wednesday, respectively. Again, if there is a change to that schedule, we will post a notice at the SnapNames site.
gruss jens