Ja das ist Beschiss
wenn du dort kaufst und dann bittest die Übertragung zu vervollständigen, kriegst du folgende Mail:
Das müßt ihr euch auf der Zunge zergehen lassen.
Thank you for contact ing webnamesolut ion.com.
Our website has been hacked and our database has been compromised.
Because we are spammers and scammers we have become the target of many angry part ies. You can\ 't hide on the
I nternet .
WebnameSolution.com Support System
We have a business model that purely consists in defrauding people.
Our modus operandi is this: We send unsolicited email (spam) to domain owners by harvest ing the whois database. For
example if you own somedomain.com we will offer to buy somedomain.net or a similar name from us. Do not be
surprised if we offer to sell you a name that you actually already own, this is normal.
Most of the names that are offered for sale on our website are owned by third part ies, not by us. We do not have the
authorizat ion to sell these names on behalf of their respect ive owners. Some are even available to register as we speak.
Honest ly do you believe we would be selling pure generic keywords or 3- let ter .com domains for less than $200 ? I f it is
too good to be t rue, probably it is.
I f you are st ill foolish enough to order from us be aware that we will charge or even double-charge your credit card and
you will be very lucky if you get anything from us. We are a scam out let .
Search for \ ’webnamesolut ion.com\ ’ in Google for more informat ion.
Websites that are associated with us include:
I f you are contact ing us regarding an order you have placed and paid for, your best bet would be to init iate a charge-back
with your credit card company right now and report to: RCMP (ht tp: / / grc.ca/ ) and RECOL (ht tps: / /www.recol.ca/ ) or IC3
(ht tp: / /www.ic3.gov/ ) if you live in the US.
Also be informed that we will not read your mail and honest ly we don\ ’t freaking care.
We are the SCUM of the I nternet ! Spread the word around !
Best regards,
Unethical Hacked Company
Also: Finger weg!!!