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casino.de für 400k


New member
19. Sep. 2006
wow - das ist ein megaschnäppchen

German Domain Name Casino.de Sold for USD 591,000.00

Balslev Media announces the acquisition of Casino.de

HOLSTEBRO, Denmark--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Danish Internet company Balslev Media has recently purchased the German domain name Casino.de - Der Guide zum Online Casino und Poker Spielen for Euro 400,000 / US $591,000. This is a new record price paid for a German domain name.

According to the new owner of Casino.de, the domain name acquisition was a bargain. “The value of the domain consists of several things; first of all it’s the perfect brand name -- it’s short and it describes exactly what we do. Furthermore, many people will find our Web site even if they don’t know anything about us through direct traffic, which is when people type in a keyword domain name in their browser and find a service provider without searching for it first. Additionally, the high price is based on the popularity of online casino and poker gambling on the Web,” says webmaster Jan Balslev.

The mission with the new Web site Casino.de is to guide gamblers through the jungle of online casinos and poker rooms by offering independent and thoroughly researched information about gambling online.

The new Web site owner sees himself as a gatekeeper for gamblers who wish to play casino and poker games online -- without gambling on where they are betting as well. Due to the lack of international regulation, there is a growing demand for independent information, therefore it is of great value to online casinos and poker rooms to be reviewed at Casino.de. As with all Internet commerce, trust is essential.

Casino.de is a German language version of the English language guide to gambling Online-Casinos.com - Casino Gambling Guide. Both sites offer comprehensive guides for gamblers such as free training games, visual casino game instructions and gambling tips. As the owner puts it “A land-based casino or an online casino is not the place to learn the rules for blackjack, or any other casino game for that matter.”

In the past the domain name Casino.de has had several different owners, among others Deutsche Bahn -- the German states railroad company, and until recently, an offshore company.
Der Inhaber der kasino.de wird wohl in nächster Zeit eine schöne Umsatzsteigerung erfahren :)


Hat die Bahn AG bzw Metropa die Casino.de nicht letztes Jahr oder 2006 auch schon für 400k verkauft? Sorry, kann mich auch irren...

lg Gundi

Sehr seriöse Impressum :bbiggrin:

Kann man imho nicht vergleichen. Casino ist bereits bekannt, Kasino wird imho im deutschsprachigen Raum viel seltener (wenn überhaupt noch) verwendet. Hier in der Schweiz schreiben die Casinos sich auch mit C (in Deutschland nennen die staatlichen sich ja Spielbanken, wobei Dependencen auch als Casinos bezeichnet werden, z.B. Spielbank Hamburg, Casino Esplanade).

Pocer jedoch wiederum, oder auch Contactlinsen sind einfach nur falschgeschriebene Begriffe, die man im Deutschen so i.d.R. nicht verwenden würde.

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