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Domain Roundtable Conference 2005 DVD Now Available


Active member
19. Juli 2001
For those of you who missed out on the Domain Roundtable Conference that Name Intelligence hosted last month, we have taken the liberty of putting together session recordings, and will begin shipping them on Thursday, June 30th.

We're now taking advance orders for the first batch of DVDs from the conference. There are just over 24 hours worth of Session Audio from a variety of respected panelists and speakers, conference pictures, power point presentations, all organized to match up with the sessions.

The sessions are in MP3 format, and the menus are html, so the disc should be compatible with most modern Operating Systems that have a web browser and a DVD-ROM drive. Visit this link to find out more and order yours! http://www.domainroundtable.com/dvdorder/

If you are interested in Domain Names, Intellectual Property, Search Engine Optimization, Domain Appraisal, Whois, or other of the conference sessions, this DVD will be a very worthwhile investment.

In addition to the notably dynamic and CEO Roundtable, there are sessions on Intellectual Property Strategy, ccTLDs, new Top Level Domains, and more.

For a complete session listing of the materials available on the DVD, please visit the Domain Roundtable Conference website at http://www.domainroundtable.com/dvdorder/agenda.php

The first batch of 100 sold out in 4 days, and we are well into selling the second batch. Orders will be processed on a first come, first served basis, and will begin shipping on June 30th, 2005.

-The Team at Name Intelligence,
Operators of Whois.sc, and the organizers of the Domain Roundtable Conference.

Ist hier ein Konferenz-Teilnehmer dabei?
Der "normale Preis" von $395.95 ist mir dann doch zu viel :-)

Gruss Jens