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How .DE domains drop?

vampsoftchef schrieb:
Hello Turnic,

welcome in this Forum. So I've got a question to you:

What is the reason for an american (or english) people to register expired german .de domains? So why are you interested in it when you can't speak german very well? Sorry I mean this not badly - I am only curiously.

Best regards



Thanks for the replies although they are not related my question. I am a Turkish native. I am TURK. The reason I am interested in .de drops is traffic. DE domains are open to other nationals.

Now back to question what are the rules that I can pinpoint transit or expired domains. I can not imagine a registry with no rules for expired domains.

"Now back to question what are the rules that I can pinpoint transit or expired domains. I can not imagine a registry with no rules for expired domains."

Also nochmal: Es gibt solch eine öffentliche Möglichkeit bei .de nicht. Auch nicht für dich, du kannst auch gerne mal unter denic.de nachfragen *fg*

Gruß Freakfer
Freakfer schrieb:
"Now back to question what are the rules that I can pinpoint transit or expired domains. I can not imagine a registry with no rules for expired domains."

Also nochmal: Es gibt solch eine öffentliche Möglichkeit bei .de nicht. Auch nicht für dich, du kannst auch gerne mal unter denic.de nachfragen *fg*

Gruß Freakfer

I already inquired DENIC with that question. It is interesting that ICANN is actually allowing DENIC to run the registry like this.

TurNIC.com schrieb:
My question is that "How can I understand and point a .DE domain is going to expire soon?" What are the rules and principles for identifying about-to-expire .DE domains?

only a few people know exactly how it works and have a script for backordering .de domains. some others know some facts about it, but they dont know how to realize a working system.

the problem you will get, is nobody will give you any secret hints or informations.

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