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Hallo an alle aus Bulgarien

Wtf sorry about this I use Google translate and this is the result :D, becouse I don't speak dutch. I live only 1 month in Frankfurt (Oder). Sorry about that :)
Wtf sorry about this I use Google translate and this is the result :D, becouse I don't speak dutch. I live only 1 month in Frankfurt (Oder). Sorry about that :)

And we dont speak dutch here, you maybe mean Deutsch?
Anyway.... welcome to our domainforum
Epic start in this forum :D
I have one question: in Marktplatz->Projektverkäufe->Themen: 1.913 but why I see only 4 topic. Becouse I'm a new user or this is all topics :)
maybe they got archived, let me check....
by the way, you are not able to post there for the moment, or post in domain sales, only after being member for a certain amount of days and having 25 posts.... just to let you know....
Epic start in this forum :D
I have one question: in Marktplatz->Projektverkäufe->Themen: 1.913 but why I see only 4 topic. Becouse I'm a new user or this is all topics :)

you have to scroll down and change the age in the display-settings.
default, only threads from the last 30 days are displayed. Bildschirmfoto 2017-03-20 um 14.41.32.jpg

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