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Today's list of upcoming auctions on Bido

Yesterday's sales on Bido.com

logo.ws $70.00
rugs.ws $70.00
golftip.info (BP) $40.00
weddingmusic.us (BP) $40.00
hunt.mx (BP) $107.00
mrs.mx (BP) $65.00
ham.mx $100.00
6months.info $28.00
tryingtoquitsmoking.com $28.00
templateworkshop.com (BP) $28.00
financingforsmallbusiness.com $29.00
transceivers.org (BP) $47.00
vflick.com (BP) $28.00
degrading.net $28.00
opals.in $28.00
medicalworkers.org $28.00
mystampcollection.com (BP) $61.00
massachusettsdisabilitylawyer.... $28.00
gooddoctoring.com (acc) $28.00
rumorstarter.com $28.00
wordbasics.com $100.00
backingpaper.com $28.00
cheapestname.com $49.00
drillwells.com $201.00
radioaddict.com $45.00
blackcartridges.com $31.00
difty.com $28.00
strawberryshampoo.com $35.00
baglebites.com $30.00
usalottery.info $30.00
duilawexperts.com $30.00
mcpexams.com $32.00
3dscreensaver.org $31.00
emedplan.com $69.00
zerosearch.com (acc) $29.00
forgerylawyer.com $51.00
cockyguys.com (acc) $28.00
painmanagers.com $43.00
fares.mx $180.00
infantboosterseats.com $28.00
monopoly.ws (BP) $40.00
stepmom.net (BP) $65.00
dentistbusiness.com (acc) $28.00
remembered.info (BP) $60.00
lead.mx (BP) $65.00
accepting.de $300.00
paint.mx (BP) $410.00
blurays.cc $60.00
buypolicies.com (BGP) $28.00
voted.in (BGP) $30.00

the above list were all sold on Bido.com yesterday.

You can view the entire list of what's selling on Bido at this link: http://www.bido.com/SalesArchive

If you're interested in selling your inventory on Bido, it's free to list at this link: http://www.bido.com/SubmitDomains
Yesterday's sales on Bido.com

restaurantsnear.com (acc) $40.00
projectortelevisions.com $28.00
pinatas.mx (BP) $35.00
topic.mx $50.00
dotty.net $75.00
privateserverhosting.com $28.00
old.mx (BP) $50.00
first.mx (BP) $115.00
experiencedaccountant.com $28.00
creditconsolidationservice.com $33.00
northbells.com (BGP) $28.00
thetopfive.com (BP) $66.00
toughman.tv (acc) $65.00
kindergarteners.net (acc) (BP) $28.00
lawnsprinklersystems.net (BP) $31.00
queensnewyork.us $28.00
mypugpictures.com (acc) (BP) $35.00
herbgarden.de $400.00
nameclinic.com (acc) $35.00
magiclounge.com (acc) $28.00
querysql.com (BP) $28.00
stores.mx $100.00
dad.mx $100.00
fundsforretirement.com $40.00
usefull.org $30.00

the above list were all sold on Bido.com yesterday.

You can view the entire list of what's selling on Bido at this link: http://www.bido.com/SalesArchive

If you're interested in selling your inventory on Bido, it's free to list at this link: http://www.bido.com/SubmitDomains
Yesterday's sales on Bido.com

moneyshot.org (BP) $28.00
capora.com $59.00
thebusiness.biz (BP) $40.00
faqs.mx (BP) $47.00
ubicacion.mx (BP) $33.00
updates.mx (BP) $37.00
recuperar.mx (BP) $28.00
listing.mx (BP) $35.00
debito.mx $155.00
accidente.mx $99.00
senderismo.mx (BP) $37.00
transito.mx $135.00
theaters.mx (BP) $32.00
homeloansblog.com (BP) $51.00
schedule.mx (BP) $45.00
specials.mx (BP) $45.00
camps.mx (BP) $35.00
poll.mx (BP) $44.00
cresina.com (acc) $28.00
tarrifs.com $28.00
accountants.mx (BP) $50.00
taxpal.net $28.00
golfnews.info $28.00
trumpets.in (acc) $28.00
yearly.info $28.00
howtobuystocksonline.com (acc) $100.00
buzzgeek.com $28.00
bladderconditions.com $28.00
tohurt.com $30.00
furbox.com (acc) $28.00
fibbed.com $100.00
july.cc (BP) $28.00
respirators.info $85.00
exercise.mx $189.00
htmlgenerator.net (BP) $28.00
wiiskins.com $30.00
cutcarbonemissions.com $28.00
airfaretickets.ca $28.00
spinachdip.net $41.00
pdffile.net (BP) $31.00
largetelevisions.com (BP) $30.00
gamingbit.com (BP) $28.00
bassinets.de $99.00
physicians.mx $300.00
occur.us (BGP) $28.00
marries.org (BGP) $28.00

the above list were all sold on Bido.com yesterday.

You can view the entire list of what's selling on Bido at this link: http://www.bido.com/SalesArchive

If you're interested in selling your inventory on Bido, it's free to list at this link: http://www.bido.com/SubmitDomains
Yesterday's sales on Bido.com

hometheaters.in $28.00
nevertoolate.net $32.00
digitize.us $32.00
findfriend.org $32.00
lowestpricenow.com (BGP) $29.00
quicksniper.com $31.00

the above list were all sold on Bido.com yesterday.

You can view the entire list of what's selling on Bido at this link: http://www.bido.com/SalesArchive

If you're interested in selling your inventory on Bido, it's free to list at this link: http://www.bido.com/SubmitDomains
Yesterday's sales on Bido.com

musictickets.us $29.00
10k.me $29.00
discover.mx $110.00
adventure.ws $39.00
sanantonio.ws $76.00
cheesytshirts.com (acc) $28.00
journal.bz $28.00
2uy.com $201.00
injuryattorney.co.uk $28.00
toppokertips.com $28.00
pearljewelery.net $51.00
citizen.ws (BP) $28.00
nearly.us $28.00
satellitetv.me (acc) $28.00
indian.bz $50.00
cabletv.me (acc) $28.00

the above list were all sold on Bido.com yesterday.

You can view the entire list of what's selling on Bido at this link: http://www.bido.com/SalesArchive

If you're interested in selling your inventory on Bido, it's free to list at this link: http://www.bido.com/SubmitDomains
Yesterday's sales on Bido.com

udrp.com (BGP) $16,500.00
houses.mx (BP) $117.00
tvs.mx (BP) $64.00
chasenames.com $28.00
deutscheweb.com $28.00
goodies.us (BP) $30.00
mortgageloan.cc $39.00
thevictory.net (BP) $40.00
fyl.biz $28.00
lending.cc $63.00
brands.cc $63.00
personalcreditreport.net (acc) $234.00
fix.bz (acc) $28.00
jeupoker.com (acc) $68.00
pokerjacks.com (acc) $28.00
excercise.me $59.00
oil.mx $540.00
apartment.mx (BP) $478.00

the above list were all sold on Bido.com yesterday.

You can view the entire list of what's selling on Bido at this link: http://www.bido.com/SalesArchive

If you're interested in selling your inventory on Bido, it's free to list at this link: http://www.bido.com/SubmitDomains
Friday's sales on Bido.com

am1.org $35.00
dualcitizenship.org $54.00
plumber.mx (BP) $45.00
stocks.mx (BP) $300.00
cruises.mx (BP) $442.00
poema.mx (BP) $28.00
converter.mx (BP) $33.00
rug.mx $300.00
styrofoam.net (BP) $1,001.00
healthclass.org $28.00
alerts.mx (BP) $47.00
likeme.info $30.00
codes.mx (BP) $68.00
usado.mx (BP) $65.00
lyric.mx (BP) $40.00
directions.mx (BP) $48.00
rat.mx $40.00
publique.mx (BP) $30.00
celebs.mx (BP) $50.00
actualizar.mx (BP) $38.00
onlinetutorial.org $32.00
hotdailystocks.com $28.00
ooreo.com $150.00

the above list were all sold on Bido.com Friday.

(BP)-The BidoPrice was not met, but the seller accepted the high bid.
(acc)-This auction is an Accelerated Auction. Either the seller skipped the voting process by using Bido Credits, or a bidder placed a preliminary bid.
(BGP)-This item was initially submitted into the Bido Guarantee Program.

You can view the entire list of what's selling on Bido at this link: http://www.bido.com/SalesArchive

If you're interested in selling your inventory on Bido, it's free to list at this link: http://www.bido.com/SubmitDomains
Yesterday's sales on Bido.com

bluewhale.info $49.00
designerbrandshoes.com $100.00
ghbv.com $28.00
dbacareer.com $39.00
icasinos.info $28.00
highresphotos.com $31.00
tradingstocks.us $72.00
t-shirts.ws (bp) $28.00
hygenic.net (bp) $80.00
chewy.net (bp) $101.00
nobelprize.us $28.00

the above list were all sold on Bido.com yesterday.

(BP)-The BidoPrice was not met, but the seller accepted the high bid.
(acc)-This auction is an Accelerated Auction. Either the seller skipped the voting process by using Bido Credits, or a bidder placed a preliminary bid.
(BGP)-This item was initially submitted into the Bido Guarantee Program.

You can view the entire list of what's selling on Bido at this link: http://www.bido.com/SalesArchive

If you're interested in selling your inventory on Bido, it's free to list at this link: http://www.bido.com/SubmitDomains
Yesterday's sales on Bido.com

gymnastics.net $8,500.00
teens.us $4,500.00
wine.us $7,000.00
soldier.cc (bgp) $28.00
muaythaischools.com (bgp) $75.00
2007.us $28.00
rugazi.com $36.00
cellphonechargers.us $45.00
flashes.net $73.00
manchester.cc $40.00
midtermpaper.com $28.00
machine.mx (bp) $47.00
alanshore.com (acc) $28.00
oilrefinery.us (bp) $40.00
allin.us $101.00
ntbn.com (bp) $120.00
collegecoeds.co.uk (acc) $28.00
design3dgames.com $28.00
blackskinnypants.com $400.00

the above list were all sold on Bido.com yesterday.

(BP)-The BidoPrice was not met, but the seller accepted the high bid.
(acc)-This auction is an Accelerated Auction. Either the seller skipped the voting process by using Bido Credits, or a bidder placed a preliminary bid.
(BGP)-This item was initially submitted into the Bido Guarantee Program.

You can view the entire list of what's selling on Bido at this link: http://www.bido.com/SalesArchive

If you're interested in selling your inventory on Bido, it's free to list at this link: http://www.bido.com/SubmitDomains
Today's and yesterday's sales on Bido.com

christ.com.mx $50.00
now.mx $66.00
gal.mx $60.00
cut.mx $60.00
pic.mx $60.00
why.mx $193.00
two.mx $139.00
try.mx $60.00
six.mx $66.00
customs.mx $60.00
for.mx $60.00
ten.mx $66.00
our.mx $66.00
wed.mx $66.00
transit.mx $66.00
agents.mx $60.00
government.mx $60.00
sea.mx $102.00
inkjetcopier.com (acc) $33.00
vptp.com (bp) $28.00
ppcmanager.net $106.00
affiliatewebsites.us (bp) $28.00
freeautoquote.us $40.00
babysittingjobs.us $35.00
softwareevent.com (bp) $28.00
electricitysuppliers.us $28.00
maillook.com $31.00
gamingmore.com $34.00
basementrestoration.com $32.00
newcarloanrate.com $28.00
stocksbasics.com $48.00
vvsw.com $28.00
vvpw.com $28.00
3dtv.bz $32.00
dinnerknife.com $39.00
saladforks.com $96.00
dinnerspoons.com $28.00
dinnerspoon.com $28.00
usb-mouse.com (acc) $30.00
critic.cc $39.00
bi.vg (acc) $29.00
vp.vg (acc) $29.00
jobswriters.com (bp) $28.00
secondhandpurses.com $28.00
expires.us (acc) $40.00
flycasting.us (acc) $35.00
sitemonkey.com $400.00
localobject.com (acc) $31.00
tempnote.com (acc) $33.00

the above list were all sold on Bido.com today and yesterday.

(bp)-The BidoPrice was not met, but the seller accepted the high bid.
(acc)-This auction is an Accelerated Auction. Either the seller skipped the voting process by using Bido Credits, or a bidder placed a preliminary bid.
(bgp)-This item was initially submitted into the Bido Guarantee Program.

You can view the entire list of what's selling on Bido at this link: http://www.bido.com/SalesArchive

If you're interested in selling your inventory on Bido, it's free to list at this link: http://www.bido.com/SubmitDomains
Yesterday's sales on Bido.com

purchaseringtones.com $30.00
yae.de $600.00
mob.mx $60.00
workoutmachines.net $28.00
lengua.mx (bp) $135.00
g5u.com (acc) $146.00
websitelayouts.net $28.00
clinicalspecialist.org $28.00
visamerchant.net (bp) $100.00
flowersfast.us (acc) $28.00
correctiveeyesurgery.us $28.00
death.mx (bgp) $28.00
hdprinters.com $101.00
campingtrailers.org $42.00
usedguitar.org $42.00
womansshoes.net $28.00
girlsbicycles.net $28.00
mystery.cc $28.00
announces.de (bp) $108.00
explores.de (bp) $99.00
dancingcareers.com (bp) $28.00

the above list were all sold on Bido.com yesterday.

(bp)-The BidoPrice was not met, but the seller accepted the high bid.
(acc)-This auction is an Accelerated Auction. Either the seller skipped the voting process by using Bido Credits, or a bidder placed a preliminary bid.
(bgp)-This item was initially submitted into the Bido Guarantee Program.

You can view the entire list of what's selling on Bido at this link: http://www.bido.com/SalesArchive

If you're interested in selling your inventory on Bido, it's free to list at this link: http://www.bido.com/SubmitDomains
Friday's & Yesterday's sales on Bido.com

ereaders.org $51.00
veteranjobs.net (acc) $42.00
pal.mx $28.00
hip.mx $28.00
bag.mx $28.00
jam.mx $28.00
cup.mx $28.00
zip.mx $28.00
tag.mx $28.00
tub.mx $28.00
breckenridgehotels.info (acc) $28.00
bikehelmet.net $210.00
antiquegallery.us $28.00
silentinvesting.com $39.00
ajaxtraining.com $29.00
electricalvehicles.com $250.00
realvoters.com $49.00
gameczar.com $55.00
yournameservers.com $28.00
dramaschool.org $65.00
corporatecredit.us (acc) $65.00
practice.mx (bp) $28.00
webpageshosting.com (bp) $28.00
alexandriawedding.com $29.00
designs.mx $60.00
canadaonline.us $29.00
wisestocks.com $28.00
pokergame.ws $28.00
milkchocolatefudge.com $31.00
chocolatechipbrownies.com $28.00
cpacompanies.com (acc) $31.00
dallascity.info $28.00
cookingsupper.com $39.00
jiggin.com (bp) $280.00

the above list were all sold on Bido.com Friday and yesterday.

(bp)-The BidoPrice was not met, but the seller accepted the high bid.
(acc)-This auction is an Accelerated Auction. Either the seller skipped the voting process by using Bido Credits, or a bidder placed a preliminary bid.
(bgp)-This item was initially submitted into the Bido Guarantee Program.

You can view the entire list of what's selling on Bido at this link: http://www.bido.com/SalesArchive

If you're interested in selling your inventory on Bido, it's free to list at this link: http://www.bido.com/SubmitDomains
Yesterday's sales on Bido.com

crewnecksweaters.com $28.00
kmcr.com (acc) $29.00
harbours.info $28.00
onlinestockbroker.us (bp) $32.00
lgik.com $28.00
buildnotebook.com (bp) $28.00
handbag.cc $28.00
domainertools.org $30.00
compareinsurance.info $28.00
prescribed.de (acc) $31.00
tagmedical.com $28.00
alcoholismaddictiontreatment.com $99.00

the above list were all sold on Bido.com yesterday.

(bp)-The BidoPrice was not met, but the seller accepted the high bid.
(acc)-This auction is an Accelerated Auction. Either the seller skipped the voting process by using Bido Credits, or a bidder placed a preliminary bid.
(bgp)-This item was initially submitted into the Bido Guarantee Program.

You can view the entire list of what's selling on Bido at this link: http://www.bido.com/SalesArchive

If you're interested in selling your inventory on Bido, it's free to list at this link: http://www.bido.com/SubmitDomains
Yesterday's sales on Bido.com

financialstabilityplan.com $28.00
freelancecontract.com & freelancecontracting.com package $28.00
dietassist.com $28.00
networktechnicianjobs.com (bp) $28.00
drugmyths.com $28.00
month.tv $35.00
footballsouvenir.com $55.00
equipmentauctions.net (acc) $250.00
effect.us $28.00
mobiliario.mx $120.00
debtsettlementplan.com $40.00
odr.in $35.00
b0u.net (acc) $38.00
superassassin.com (acc) $28.00

the above list were all sold on Bido.com yesterday.

(bp)-The BidoPrice was not met, but the seller accepted the high bid.
(acc)-This auction is an Accelerated Auction. Either the seller skipped the voting process by using Bido Credits, or a bidder placed a preliminary bid.
(bgp)-This item was initially submitted into the Bido Guarantee Program.

You can view the entire list of what's selling on Bido at this link: http://www.bido.com/SalesArchive

If you're interested in selling your inventory on Bido, it's free to list at this link: http://www.bido.com/SubmitDomains
Yesterday's sales on Bido.com

icasinos.us $28.00
24hourrelief.com $30.00
suprising.com $28.00
fargo.tel $28.00
professor.tel $28.00
newhaven.tel $28.00
dessertrecipes.us (bp) $28.00
trueflavor.com $28.00
gold-investments.com $75.00
veleros.mx $89.00
plasticsurgeryloans.com $323.00
compensation.us $31.00
hotelchooser.com (acc) $80.00
population.mx $55.00
god.ac $28.00

the above list were all sold on Bido.com yesterday.

(bp)-The BidoPrice was not met, but the seller accepted the high bid.
(acc)-This auction is an Accelerated Auction. Either the seller skipped the voting process by using Bido Credits, or a bidder placed a preliminary bid.
(bgp)-This item was initially submitted into the Bido Guarantee Program.

You can view the entire list of what's selling on Bido at this link: http://www.bido.com/SalesArchive

If you're interested in selling your inventory on Bido, it's free to list at this link: http://www.bido.com/SubmitDomains
Friday's sales on Bido.com

freedrugs.co.uk $116.00
newyorkfemales.com $41.00
dip.me $100.00
usedjets.net $50.00
hollyhotels.com (bp) $29.00
iseparate.com $155.00
pasttaxreturn.com $28.00
theunlockshop.com $54.00
emergencyloans.us $150.00
zwi.info $41.00
homecleaners.org (acc) $40.00

the above list were all sold on Bido.com on Friday.

(bp)-The BidoPrice was not met, but the seller accepted the high bid.
(acc)-This auction is an Accelerated Auction. Either the seller skipped the voting process by using Bido Credits, or a bidder placed a preliminary bid.
(bgp)-This item was initially submitted into the Bido Guarantee Program.

You can view the entire list of what's selling on Bido at this link: http://www.bido.com/SalesArchive

If you're interested in selling your inventory on Bido, it's free to list at this link: http://www.bido.com/SubmitDomains

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