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Kuriose E-Mail


New member
18. Juni 2010
heute habe ich eine kuriose E-Mail erhalten. Zuerst habe ich mich gefreut, aber als dann die Antwortmail kam war mir einiges klar:sheep:... habt Ihr auch schon solche E-Mails erhalten?


How much do you want for your domain fettweg.org?

We have found it listed for sale and we have a good offer for you.

Our comapny invests in domains and developed sites. If you have a list of
domains for sale, please send the list with prices in plain text.

We prefer ".com", ".net", ".co", ".co.uk", ".us" and easy-to-remember
names with other extensions.


Daraufhin habe ich eine Antwort geschrieben und diese Mail kam dann zurück

Can you accept 9,000 USD?

I have a 48,000 USD budget for 5-8 domain names. Have you had your domain
names evaluated in the past? Without a valuation certificate we cannot be
sure in the sale price. Moreover, my accountant and tax services always ask
for valaution certificates :-). On the other side, it's very important for
me in terms of reselling too. Of course, we must engage a valuation company
with a REAL manual service. So I will only accept valuations from
independent sources I and my accountant trust.

To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal
companies. Please check this blog with suggestions from other sellers and
Domain Talk

If, for example, the valuation comes higher you can adjust your asking price
accordingly. It will be fair. I also hope you can give me 12% - 15%

After you send me the valuation via email (usually it takes 1-2 days to
obtain it) we'll continue our negotiations. Do you sell domain with a web
site or just the name? Domain without content is ok with me. Web site is not

What is your preferred payment method: Escrow.com, International wire
transfer, PayPal.com or something else?

Hope we can come to an agreement fast.

Google mal nach "Domain appraisal scam".
Tja, aber so plump, da fällt nicht mal der dümmste "Bauer" drauf rein:hahaha:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich hatte gleichen Mail-Kontakt mit dem angeblichen Vice President von einer "Hosting & Name Domains LLC" (oder so ähnlich).

Nach kurzer Recherche bin ich durch einen amerikanischen Blogger auf den Betrüger gekommen. Immer unter anderem Namen (mir kam es suspekt vor, den Firmennamen im Netz nicht finden zu können), ist er nur auf die Provisionen der Domainbewerter scharf.

Also leider nichts richtiges ;-)
wollte keinen neuen thread aufmachen, deswegen poste ich euch hier, was ich heute erhalten habe:
Please name your price?
Domain parking

We have been approached by a client looking to buy one or some of your domain names.

Please list your domain names to confirm you would like to sell and then we can negoiate with our client for your domain names

Yes i want to list my domain names for the buyer to make me a good offer

You may also park your domain names with ourselves, we are offering 90% of the revenue from our Google API feed

We hope to see you on there soon


Parks Dot Com (Buying team)
You are a member of various forums and we have a client who would like to make a offer on a domain name you own

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22763 London Road
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